our values and beliefs

aa is about building to last

at aasa we understand that value creation is a long-term endeavor that requires stamina, focus and drive along with resilience and patience. Sustainable success is achieved and measurable when company fundamentals are sound: market shares have been won and the competitive landscape has been durably reshaped, margins are structurally high and ensure satisfactory returns, strategic IP has been developed and promises future growth opportunities, long-term financial situation is secured, people and management are prepared to anticipate and tackle the next "big thing".

aa is about taking on responsibilities

financial advice or support is not enough. Strategy design and, even more so thorough strategy implementation, call for day-to-day hands-on management. aasa team members are deeply involved in the management of our portfolio companies. Not only do we strongly believe that working closely with management and employees is a key requirement of our business: we also really enjoy doing so!

aa is about hard work

in all businesses, and in particular in those in transition situations, the difference between failure and success is often called dedication.

aa is about playing by the rules

we believe that the highest professional and ethical standards towards all stakeholders - shareholders, employees, client and suppliers, legal and tax authorities, local communities and other third parties - are necessary ingredients to sustainable success.

good corporate governance and the ensuing requirement for transparency and open communication are paramount in aasa's value system.


our values and beliefs